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Top Episcopal bishop no Hitler

The Most Reverend Doctor Katherine Jefferts Shori, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church (USA), is no Herr Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the Third Reich (Germany).

The Most Rev. Dr. Katherine Jefferts Schori with primatial staff.

The Most Rev. Dr. Katherine Jefferts Schori with primatial staff.

And yes, I’m well aware that the Presiding Bishop is no Hitler. Hitler was a much better speaker and dresser, was better looking, possessed great personal charm and was a war hero to boot. The Presiding Bishop wears funny hats and is emblematic of the creeping progressive mediocrity that has consumed the Episcopal Church.


Miracle baby

Miracle baby

“If you don’t believe in miracles, perhaps you have forgotten that you are one.”

Photo courtesy of @ConservCityGirl on Twitter via pic of the day 12/11/12 | Pic link


Leftie ideal: Our freedoms and arms in dumpster

Leftie ideal: Our freedoms  and arms in dumpster .

Looks like fossil in a sunbed from inside the leftie bubble.

From within that isolation from reality provided by our educators, journalists, and political leaders to our young and our immature neighbors.

Leftie ideal: Our freedoms  and arms in dumpster

Allora and Calzadilla’s Armed Freedom Lying on a Sunbed on display at the 11th annual Art Basel Miami Beach fair. Photograph: Brian Cahn/Corbis

The godless and lawless march on!

They have found  a leader.

Add This Group To Obama’s Winning Coalition: ‘Religiously Unaffiliated ‘ : It’s All Politics : NPR / by Liz Halloran / December 09, 2012 3:49 AM /

The big demographic story out of the 2012 presidential election may have been President Obama’s domination of the Hispanic vote, and rightfully so. [/] But as we close the book on the election, it bears noting that another less obvious bloc of key swing state voters helped the president win a second term. [/] They’re the “nones” — that’s the Pew Research Center’s shorthand for the growing number of American voters who don’t have a specific religious affiliation. Some are agnostic, some atheist, but more than half define themselves as either “religious” or “spiritual but not religious,” Pew found in a recent survey .

They are typically younger, more socially liberal than their forebears, vote Democratic, and now make up nearly 20 percent of the country’s population. Exit polls suggest that 12 percent of voters on Election Day were counted as “religiously unaffiliated.” […] the religiously unaffiliated voters are almost as strongly Democratic as white evangelicals are Republican, polls show. [/] Their overwhelming support of Obama proved crucial in a number of swing states where the president lost both the Catholic and Protestant vote by single and low-double digits, but won the “nones” by capturing 70-plus percent of their votes.

[…] — In Ohio, Obama lost the Protestant vote by 3 points and the Catholic vote by 11, but he won the “nones” — 12 percent of the state’s electorate — by 47 points. [/] — In Virginia, Obama lost Protestants by 9 points and Catholics by 10 points, but won 76 percent of the “nones,” who were 10 percent of the electorate. [/] — In Florida, Obama lost Protestants by 16 points and Catholics by 5 points, but captured 72 percent of the “nones.” They were 15 percent of the electorate. [/] Similar results were seen in states including Michigan, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

[,,,] Nationally, Obama lost the Protestant vote by 15 points, won the Catholic vote by 2 points, and captured 70 percent of the “nones.” [/] “My question is what is it about having no religion that makes you align so dramatically with the Democratic Party,” Selzer says. “Sociologically, how fascinating is this?”

[…] The growth in their numbers as part of the electorate is driven in large part by generational change, and generational replacement, Smith says. [/] “Young people just now entering adulthood are not only significantly more religiously unaffiliated compared with their elders today,” he says, but they are also more religiously unaffiliated than previous generations of young people. […] Pew has tracked their growth, and found that in 2010 about a quarter of those in the “millennial generation” defined themselves as religiously unaffiliated. That’s up from the 20 percent of Gen X-ers who said they had no religious affiliation, and 13 percent of baby boomers who said the same. […]

Zimmerman strikes back

George Zimmerman strikes back against Race Hate, Inc. biggies.

Top 10 Excerpts from Zimmerman vs. NBC News Complaint

On Thursday, George Zimmerman filed suit against NBC News and three NBC producers he accuses of intentionally painting him as a racist. Zimmerman and his attorneys have now done what many in the new media only dream of doing, holding the major media responsible for their biased and misleading output.

The language in the complaint is blunt. It calls NBC’s coverage “yellow journalism” and refers to “journalistic crimes.” Most broadly, the complaint accuses NBC of trumping up a racism narrative for ratings, with a name check of the Today Show and Rev. Al Sharpton in particular. Here are some of the highlights or, if you prefer, the media’s lowlights from the complaint:

NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so set about to create the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain. Their goal was simple: keep their viewers alarmed, and thus always watching, by menacing them with a reprehensible series of imaginary and exaggerated racist claims.

NBC created this false and defamatory mis-impression using the oldest form of yellow journalism: manipulating Zimmerman’s own words, splicing together disparate parts of the recording to create the illusion of statements that Zimmerman never actually made.

Defendants pounced on the Zimmerman/Martin matter because they knew this tragedy could be, with proper sensationalizing and manipulation, a racial poweder keg that could result in months, if not years, of topics for their failing news programs, particularly the plummeting ratings for their ailing Today Show.

The defendants media arson was ignited on March 19, 2012, when NBC and defendant [Jeff] Burside broadcast from Sanford, Florida the first manipulated audio of the call.

Defendants’ improper juxtaposition of unrelated dialogue between Zimmerman and the dispatcher was specifically done to imply that Zimmerman had a racist motive.

Only after defendants’ malicious acts were uncovered and exposed by other media outlets…did defendant NBC “apologize” and terminate some of those in its employ responsible for the yellow journalism identified in this Complaint.

In addition to portraying Zimmerman as a racist via their manipulative editing, the defendants also falsely claimed, without any legitimate basis — and in spite of what the Sanford police had concluded — that Zimmerman also stated a “racial epithet” during the call.

Only after other news and internet media identified these outrageous manipulations did NBC address them, with a sham “investigation” that attempted to sweep their yellow journalism — intended to exacerbate racial tensions, at the expense of Zimmerman and the truth — under the rug; NBC’s President, Steve Capus, made a bogus non-apology that claimed the doctoring was merely a “mistake.”

All of the defendant’s actions have substantially contributed to a media frenzy including rallies provoked by NBC personnel such as the Reverend Al Sharpton (and employee of NBC, who reported on his own rallies on behalf of NBC) and public misunderstanding which has caused severe damage to the plaintiff, including death threats and a bounty for his capture.

Due to the defendants’ journalistic crimes, Zimmerman has been transformed into one of the most hated men in America. Plaintiff seeks substantial compensatory and exemplary damages to punish the defendants for their outrageous fraud upon the public, designed to mislead our nation, create a national uproar, forever ostracize Zimmerman, and taint his jury pool, all to profit and attract attention to their television news programs.

Breitbart News is not mentioned in the complaint by name, nor is any other new media outlet that did excellent work on this story. However it’s worth pointing out that we were part of the “internet media” that was on this from the beginning. In fact, this March 28th post by Dan Riehl was the first major story on the misleading edit at the core of this lawsuit.

Give Santa a break

From a forum post:

You are correct. Santa is not biblical and the church should focus on the biblical.

But apart from church we should cut Santa a little slack,
It is possible that the historic Saint Nicholas secretly gave three bags of gold coins to the three daughters of a poor man so  that they might have the dowry needed for a decent marriage at the time. (He might even have dropped one bag down the chimney to maintain secrecy.)
If pawnbrokers, a breed not noted for gullibility, can credit the story and adopt the three sacks of their patron saint as a symbol of their trade, perhaps we should give the story some credit.
Besides Santa is popularly believed to be always saying “Ho, ho, ho”. Three “ho”s. The King James Bible contains four “ho”s. We ought not to condemn Santa for the lack of one “ho”. 

Bible versions

From a forum post.

The root of the problem you describe is the varying weight that translators put on the oldest NT copies found in the 19th century.

Most recent translations put much weight on recent discoveries because they are the earliest written witnesses.

One noted translator has a theory that the reason these texts survived so long was because they were inferior and placed in storage rather than being used to make more copies.

Some have tried to find a middle ground by following the majority of surviving copies.

There is a majority text interlinear that I have found valuable because it documents the significant differences with traditional and modern textual standards.

The OT and NT in 26 versions is also a helpful books. It gives significant differences from 26 versions in an easy format. (This is better than Bible Works 9 software which enables automatic difference highlighting.)

I find the New King James best for general use. But I always try to check for significant differences.

A sovereign God has allowed these differences. Open mindedness about which is best seems advisable. The differences may have been permitted to improve our understanding. Consistency with the whole of scripture is key. And our common sense and experience should not be disregarded.

White wolf in black sheep’s clothing

From a forum post:

The black pastor was merely speaking what a lot of thoughtful non-racist Christians of all denominations and colors and ethnicity are thinking but are afraid to say because of our modern folly of equating any criticism of a politically approved minority with inordinate and evil prejudice.

The knee jerk reaction to such criticism sadly extends to the estimable  leader of this forum. (Perhaps because my earlier lengthy defense of part-Hispanic and part-black George Zimmerman was a bit too impassioned.)
Are there any factual errors in the black pastor’s message?
Are there any opinions that are contrary to scripture or to historical and traditional mainstream Christian teaching?
The great irony of our situation is that our president is much more an elite white person in upbringing than any sort of black.
His faults are those of our white pseudo-intellectual elites.
Real black people, in my opinion, have a lot more common sense. 
But loyalty is a virtue. Loyalty to family, ethnicity, town, state, nation. The balancing of these loyalties in real situations has its difficulties. 

O channels Rosa

Lucianne pic of the day 121203

Our president channels Rosa Parks.

And is viciously attacked by pit bulls at

THE WHITE HOUSE: To honor the 57th anniversary of the day Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus, President Obama paid homage with a picture of himself.

Bandit Bishop Running Outlaw Gang in South Carolina

Godlessness and lawlessness march on. The denomination favored by American presidents seems to be in worse shape than the Nation.

Anglican Curmudgeon: Bandit Bishop Running Outlaw Gang in South Carolina

KJS: She’s head of the Church of England. If she can do it, why can’t I?

Bandit Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, known far and wide in ECUSA for her lawlessness and contempt of the canons , has organized a new gang of outlaws in South Carolina. Together they are riding roughshod over the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, violating South Carolina law, and laying plans to steal the good name and corporate seal of the Diocese of South Carolina.

Or is that too plainspoken for some Episcopalians? Perhaps they would prefer an opening paragraph like this: [/] The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (USA), the Most Reverend Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, has again taken steps without any canonical authority that will ensure future litigation with the Diocese of South Carolina and its Bishop, the Right Reverend Mark Lawrence. The steps involve a refusal to recognize the authority of either Bishop Lawrence or in his stead the Standing Committee of the Diocese, the calling of an unauthorized and unconstitutional “Special Convention” for next March, the misappropriation of the diocesan name and corporate seal, and the recognition and full support of a wholly uncanonical and ad hoc “Steering Committee” to exercise unspecified and unstructured authority pending the gathering of the illegal “Special Convention.”

I do not think it is any improvement, frankly, to try to put what is happening into politer terms. All it does is mask the crudeness of the power play that is taking place with ever-increasing rapidity and ruthlessness. Since 815 is being anything but polite, why should the description of what they are doing be polite? [/] You can read the distasteful details in this article by the Rev. George Conger at Anglican Ink , and you can read even more sordid background (together with some very pointed questions) in this excellent survey of the situation by the concerned folk at the Anglican Communion Institute . [/] Surely these latest maneuvers mark a new nadir for the Bandit Bishop and her hired guns. What is especially tragic is that the pastoral needs of those who wish to “remain Episcopal” are being subordinated to her future litigation agenda, while the latter has practically zero chance of success. For the first time in her outlaw career, I believe the Bandit Bishop and her gang will have met their match in South Carolina.

The Episcopal Church (USA) may still be politically powerful in some quarters, but not in South Carolina, especially following that State’s Supreme Court decision in the All Saints Waccamaw case . It took ten years for the latter litigation to wend its way through the lower courts up to the Supreme Court, and no civil court in the State is going to want to pay attention to any of the Church’s defeated arguments again. [/] The Dennis Canon is as dead as a doornail in South Carolina, and so are any thoughts of an implied trust on diocesan property based on other Church canons and past relations. Only an express trust will be recognized in South Carolina, and such a trust requires the Diocese’s written consent to its imposition. No such consent exists, or has ever existed at any time in the past. [/] Moreover, the Diocese of South Carolina is organized as a corporation under South Carolina law. That fact guarantees its own independent, legal identity in the State’s courts and before all of its executive and legislative bodies, officers and agencies. For the Bandit Bishop and her minions to try to appropriate that identity for their own nefarious purposes is fully akin to what would be called “identity theft” in any other context.

[…] I scarcely recognize the Church that I am in any more. Its leadership is not Christian, as their repeated lawless actions demonstrate. And the pew-sitters, officers, deacons, priests and bishops who allow them to run amok with impunity are not just enablers, but run the risk of becoming, in the moral sense at least, abetters and unindicted co-conspirators for an unlawful enterprise.   Trying to bring the Chief Outlaw to discipline before her own tribunals at this point would be too little, too late. The time to do that is long past — it should have been right when she committed five violations of the same canon in putting the first notches in her belt . Just as it failed to discipline Bishops Pike and Spong before her, the Church is now showing its impotence, iniquity and increasing irrelevance by failing to call its current leader to account.

This is the season of stewardship, when all Christians are reminded of their duty to use wisely and well the resources with which God has favored them. It is not just folly anymore, but positively wicked, to continue to support such lawlessness from any level — including that of the Anglican Communion. (Are you listening, ABCD Welby?) So where should disgusted Episcopalians turn? First, to Holy Scripture — Ephesians 6:10-20 would be a good place to start. Next, spread the word about what is happening. The story tells itself — but it needs to be told. Those in South Carolina and neighboring States should be writing letters to their local papers; those elsewhere can write letters of support to Bishop Lawrence and his Diocese. They need to hear that not all of the Episcopal Church has abandoned them!

Send letters wherever you think they might do some good. ECUSA does not operate in a vacuum; it pretends to be a constituent member of the Anglican Communion. Write the ABC and the new ABCD. ECUSA’s corporate operations are under the jurisdiction of New York’s Attorney General, who intervened once before, after the scandal of Ellen Cooke. Finally, ECUSA is a 501 (c) (3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code, and must stay within the limits specified for such organizations. Many of its member dioceses use its charitable exemption under an “umbrella” arrangement allowed by the IRS, but that can last only for so long as ECUSA uses its funds and assets for qualified charitable purposes. Without any meaningful oversight of its litigation expenses , it is difficult to see how the amounts it is deploying to punish departing dioceses and parishes could pass muster under applicable standards . [/] And while you are at it, please include in your prayers the Diocese of South Carolina and her faithful Bishop. [My emphasis.]